
King’s Community Church
Full privacy statement
At King's Community Church we respect you by looking after your personal information and using it in the ways you would reasonably expect.
Adults and children have the same data rights, but we need parents to give consent (where needed) on behalf of under-16s. Those aged 16+ can give their own consent (if you are a parent or carer and want to ask more about exceptions to this, please contact us.)
What we use the information for
We use the information you give us to know who is in the church, enable us to serve KCC and the wider community, and to allow us to communicate with you. Specifically, we:
  • Keep lists of people who are associated with the church
  • Keep lists of those who serve on teams  so that we can create rotas and send rota reminders
  • Communicate with people in, and associated with, the church
  • Keep contact details of church leaders from other churches, including overseas
  • Keep personnel records for employees and those on formal courses at KCC
  • Keep records of those who attended KCC College, as agreed by the students
  • Keep records of those who are being helped through community support work and other groups associated with King"s Community Church (we do this only with their agreement.)
The options we offer
We offer to let you choose how much information we have about you, what information is visible to other people in the church, and how we communicate with you. These options appear on forms when we collect information, usually as tick boxes.
The general options are:
  • to opt in to get emails 
  • to opt in to get rota reminder emails
We also offer people the chance to email us if they want to restrict what we send them.
More about Communication
Before opting out of emails, please consider this
Email is our primary way of telling people in the church what is happening. We email a weekly newsletter giving a diary of the week to come, more detail about events/activities, opportunities to serve and family news.
We also email sometimes for envisioning and encouragement, information about small groups, special events and practicalities such as snow closures.
If you are on a rota for KCC it is important to contact you via email to give you team information, your rota and (if you consent) a reminder before each of your turns on the rota.
You can change your Communication Options as you want to by doing any ONE of these:
  • Log in to My ChurchSuite (if you have a login) under My Details - privacy tab.
  • email
  • go to:
  • Click on "Unsubscribe" in any email from King's Community Church sent through ChurchSuite
Even if you opt out from receiving emails note that we still have to:
  • Communicate with you as required by law (eg about gift aid if you have signed up, about ongoing consent to hold your information etc)
  • Email you to confirm any changes you make to your privacy options on My ChurchSuite.
Sometimes we have to keep your data
Usually we ask for consent to keep your data, but sometimes we do not rely on consent. For example:

It would not be safe for us to care for children without their name, age, any medical/allergy needs and contact details for a parent or carer.
(Information about under 18s which is on the database can only be accessed by their own parent and a few people at King's Community Church who need to do so.)

We use our database to create and send out rotas and to keep a list of team, so if you want to join a team we will need to have your name on the database.

This applies to all giving unless you give cash anonymously. We keep the minimum data necessary, treat it with the highest level of security, only use it for financial processing and do not share it except where we are legally required to do so.

Wherever it is vital for us to keep data for legal reasons or to protect someone from harm, we reserve the right not to ask for consent, although we would usually inform those affected. E.g., there is a separate leaflet giving details for clients of Parish Nursing.

Before people give full formal consent
We do allow people to ask for information, to sign up for events and courses and to see if they want to stay with us without asking for full consent. We ask their consent to be on the database and to receive emails but we do not require ongoing consent until they have made up their mind to stay, at least a while. Our administration systems allow for this.
Who else may have access to your information
We do not share your information with those outside the church unless you give us permission to do so and we work hard to ensure that even within the church sensitive information is only accessible to those who need to know.
ChurchSuite provide our software for the church address book and database and Pure IT provide our IT support. The terms and conditions for both of these companies states that they will not access personal information unless essential for technical purposes and if they do they will not use it or disclose it.

We encourage people aged 18 + who are members to have a login to My ChurchSuite which, amongst other things, allows members to appear in and access the online Address Book. If you are interested in doing this, please contact Be assured that your name will not appear in the online Address Book unless you have given consent AND are actively involved in the church.
IMPORTANT if you are given access to the online Address Book, it is vital that you NEVER share any information from it without asking the person's permission.